This mixture is the diamond of all seed mixes! a Beekeepers dream. ALL NATIVE, 39 perennials, 5 annuals. If you want more color the first year add a small amount of Native annual seed to your planting. During the second year when all the perennials are starting to bloom, there will be flowers early spring to late fall. The pollinators won't be able to resist your plot. It is ideal to plant this mixture close to flowering trees and/or native grasses to provide additional blooms, nesting sites and shelter. Our Short or Tall Prairiegrass Mix is perfect for this. A lot of hard to find, limited supply seeds are found in this mix.
Black-eyed Susan, Blanket flower, Blue Flax, Blue Vervain, Blue Wild Indigo, Butterfly weed, Canada Milkvetch, Clasping Coneflower*, Common Milkweed, False Sunflower, Golden Alexander, Grayhead Coneflower, Hoary Vervain, Illinois Bundleflower, Indian Blanket*, Leadplant, Lemon Mint*, Mexican Hat, New England Aster, New Jersey Tea, Pale Purple Coneflower, Perennial Lupine, Plains Coreopsis*, Prairie Cinquefoil, Prairie Goldenrod, Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie clover, Rattlesnake Master, Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, Round head Lespedeza, Shell Leaf Beardtongue, Showy Milkweed, Showy Partridge Pea*, Showy Tick Trefoil, Sky Blue Aster, Smooth Blue Aster, Smooth Penstemon, Stiff Goldenrod, Dense Blazing Star, Boneset, Upright Coneflower, White Prairie clover, White Wild Indigo, Wiid Bergamot, 5 Annuals-39 perennials *annuals
This mixture is the diamond of all seed mixes! a Beekeepers dream. ALL NATIVE, 39 perennials, 5 annuals. If you want more color the first year add a small amount of Native annual seed to your planting. During the second year when all the perennials are starting to bloom, there will be flowers early spring to late fall. The pollinators won't be able to resist your plot. It is ideal to plant this mixture close to flowering trees and/or native grasses to provide additional blooms, nesting sites and shelter. Our Short or Tall Prairiegrass Mix is perfect for this. A lot of hard to find, limited supply seeds are found in this mix.
Black-eyed Susan, Blanket flower, Blue Flax, Blue Vervain, Blue Wild Indigo, Butterfly weed, Canada Milkvetch, Clasping Coneflower*, Common Milkweed, False Sunflower, Golden Alexander, Grayhead Coneflower, Hoary Vervain, Illinois Bundleflower, Indian Blanket*, Leadplant, Lemon Mint*, Mexican Hat, New England Aster, New Jersey Tea, Pale Purple Coneflower, Perennial Lupine, Plains Coreopsis*, Prairie Cinquefoil, Prairie Goldenrod, Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie clover, Rattlesnake Master, Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, Round head Lespedeza, Shell Leaf Beardtongue, Showy Milkweed, Showy Partridge Pea*, Showy Tick Trefoil, Sky Blue Aster, Smooth Blue Aster, Smooth Penstemon, Stiff Goldenrod, Dense Blazing Star, Boneset, Upright Coneflower, White Prairie clover, White Wild Indigo, Wiid Bergamot, 5 Annuals-39 perennials *annuals