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Annual Sun Mix

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Need lots of color the first year and don't mind helping your wildflowers reseed each year, then this is for you. 20 varieties give you color starting 8-10 weeks after germination. The pollinators will be delighted with this mixture and so will you. The annual mix can also be added to a perennial seeding to give you color during the first year when the perennials are developing.


Baby Blue Eyes, Baby’s Breath, California Poppy, Candytuft, Catchfly, Clarkia, Clasping Coneflower, Com Poppy, Coneflower, Drummond Phlox, Dwarf Red Coreopsis, Evening Primrose, Indian Blanket, Painted Daisy, Showy Partridge Pea, Plains Coreopsis, Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, Scarlet Flax, Cosmos, Yellow Cosmos

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Annual Sun Mix
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