Our most popular mix with 28 of the 36 varieties being native.This mixture is designed to give you a beautiful display of flowers all season long. The first year, the annuals will grow, bloom and reseed at the end of the year. The perennials develop short growth the first year and return from the root the second year to continue growing and start blooming. They will also drop viable seed as they are native. They return each year from the root systems. This mix is great for the pollinators as well as fresh bouquets and flowers to dry. Contains less than 9% by weight of each variety. A minimum of 6 hours a day is recommended for this mix. Can be planted with our Short Prairie Grass Mixture up to 50/50 for a natural meadow appearance.
Blanket flower, Blue Flax, California Poppy*, Canada Milkvetch, Com Poppy*, Cornflower*, Dwarf Red Coreopsis*, False Sunflower, Gloriosa Daisy, Gold Yarrow, Golden Alexander, Grayhead Coneflower, Indian blanket*, Lance Leaf Coreopsis (Tickseed), Lemon Mint* Mexican Hat, Missouri Primrose, New England Aster, Common Spiderwort, Perennial Lupine, Plains Coreopsis*, Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie clover, Scarlet Flax*, Shasta Daisy, Evening Primrose, Showy Milkweed, Showy Partridge Pea*, Sky Blue Aster, Smooth Blue Aster, Smooth Penstemon, Dense Blazing star, Gayfeather, Upright Coneflower, White yarrow. 9 reseeding annuals & 27 Perennials *annuals
Our most popular mix with 28 of the 36 varieties being native.This mixture is designed to give you a beautiful display of flowers all season long. The first year, the annuals will grow, bloom and reseed at the end of the year. The perennials develop short growth the first year and return from the root the second year to continue growing and start blooming. They will also drop viable seed as they are native. They return each year from the root systems. This mix is great for the pollinators as well as fresh bouquets and flowers to dry. Contains less than 9% by weight of each variety. A minimum of 6 hours a day is recommended for this mix. Can be planted with our Short Prairie Grass Mixture up to 50/50 for a natural meadow appearance.
Blanket flower, Blue Flax, California Poppy*, Canada Milkvetch, Com Poppy*, Cornflower*, Dwarf Red Coreopsis*, False Sunflower, Gloriosa Daisy, Gold Yarrow, Golden Alexander, Grayhead Coneflower, Indian blanket*, Lance Leaf Coreopsis (Tickseed), Lemon Mint* Mexican Hat, Missouri Primrose, New England Aster, Common Spiderwort, Perennial Lupine, Plains Coreopsis*, Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie clover, Scarlet Flax*, Shasta Daisy, Evening Primrose, Showy Milkweed, Showy Partridge Pea*, Sky Blue Aster, Smooth Blue Aster, Smooth Penstemon, Dense Blazing star, Gayfeather, Upright Coneflower, White yarrow. 9 reseeding annuals & 27 Perennials *annuals