Short prairiegrass mix contains 4 native grasses that are an excellent choice of short & mid-height grasses that can be used for landscaping, mixing with tall wildflower seedings, or wildlife habitat or erosion control. Plants range from 1ft - 3ft in height. These grasses adapt to a wide range of soils & climate conditions. Its drought tolerance makes it an excellent low maintenance prairie. This mixture provides green color in hot dry months & gives great fall color heading into dormancy. Mix this with 50% MN Sun or Short & Sunny Mix for a natural meadow look.
This mix contains: Blue Grama, Buffalo Grass, Little Bluetem and Sideoats Grama.
Short prairiegrass mix contains 4 native grasses that are an excellent choice of short & mid-height grasses that can be used for landscaping, mixing with tall wildflower seedings, or wildlife habitat or erosion control. Plants range from 1ft - 3ft in height. These grasses adapt to a wide range of soils & climate conditions. Its drought tolerance makes it an excellent low maintenance prairie. This mixture provides green color in hot dry months & gives great fall color heading into dormancy. Mix this with 50% MN Sun or Short & Sunny Mix for a natural meadow look.
This mix contains: Blue Grama, Buffalo Grass, Little Bluetem and Sideoats Grama.