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Roadside Mix

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This mixture of 33 varieties will naturalize an area where a low-growing grass/wildflower combination is desired. Warm and Cool season grass are combined with our Short & Sunny mix to give you 9 reseeding annuals and 24 perennials. Plants range in height from 1 - 2'. Annuals will grow, flower and re-seed during the first year. Perennials (flowers and grasses) will stay short, developing root systems the first year, and will show upward growth and the flowers will bloom the 2nd and 3rd year. This mix requires 6-8 hours of sun a day and is drought tolerant after established.

This mix contains, Baby Blue Eyes, Black-eyed Susan, Blanketflower, Blue Flax, Blue Grama, Buffalo Grass, Butterflyweed, California Poppy, Canada Milkvetch, Corn Poppy, Cornflower, Dense Blazing Star, Drummond Phlox, Dwarf Blanketflower, Dwarf Red Plains Coreopsis,Golden Alexander, Hard Fescue, Indian Blanket, Lemon Mint, Mexican Hat, Painted Daisy, Perennial Lupine Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie Clover, Scarlet Flax, Shasta Daisy, Sheep Fescue, Shell Leaf Beardtongue, Showy Milkweed, Side oats Grama, Tickseed/Lance Leaf Coreopsis, Upright Coneflower, Wallflower, White Prairie Clover and Red Yarrow.

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